Assessment Rubric
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PSA contains three accurate facts about energy consumption and its impact on the environment. |
No accurate facts displayed. |
One accurate fact displayed. |
Two accurate facts displayed. |
Three accurate facts displayed. |
PSA contains two suggestions for behavior changes that people can make to lessen their impact on the environment. |
No suggestions are displayed. |
One suggestion is displayed. |
Two suggestions are displayed. |
Two suggestions are displayed and communicated in an engaging manner. |
PSA explains how the suggested behavior changes will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. |
No explanation is offered. |
Some explanation is offered, but information is flawed or incomplete. |
Some explanation is offered, information is generally clear. |
A complete explanation is offered, information is clear and concise. |
Graphics are clear and pleasing to the eye. |
Many graphics are too small or not clear. |
Most graphics are clear and content can be easily viewed. |
Most graphics are clear, content is easily viewed, result is engaging to the viewer. |
Most graphics are clear, content is easily viewed, result is very engaging to the viewer. |
PSA shows creativity in communicating message. |
The message behind the PSA is unclear or poorly thought out. |
The message behind the PSA is somewhat clear. |
The message behind the PSA is clear. |
The message behind the PSA is clear and is delivered in a clever or creative manner. |