Your Challenge: Create a Public Service Announcement
Now that you know a little bit about global climate change and how it relates to energy use, it is time for your next challenge. You will work in a team to create a public service announcement public service announcement (PSA) that emphasizes how an energy conservation commitment can help impact greenhouse gas emissions.

Everyone can work together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Your PSA will:
- Promote energy conservation.
- Be appropriate for publication in a magazine, newspaper or posting on a bus.
- Contain 3 accurate facts about energy consumption and its impact on the environment.
- Contain 2 suggestions for how people can change their behavior.
- Explain how these changes will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Display attractive layout and graphics.
- Show creativity.
The Design Process
When engineers and designers set about tackling a big challenge like this, they use a set of steps called the engineering design process to guide them. Watch the following videos to learn about the process and approach engineers use to solve problems. Think about what they consider when planning and developing their solutions. How can you apply their process to your challenge?
> Engineering
(from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
Click a movie player format on the right to view the video.
> Perfect Fit
(National Defense Education Program: Lab TV)
Scroll to the 3rd video.
Pages 8-17 of your Engineering Portfolio contain an expanded version of the engineering design process that engineers use. Complete steps 1 - 4 now, and continue to use your Engineering Portfolio to guide your work as you move forward.